
accidents and incidents involving pakistan railways معنى

  • حوادث تشمل السكك الحديدية الباكستانية
  • accidents    الحوادث; حوادث; مص ...
  • and    conj. واو العطف, أ ...
  • incidents    الحوادث; وقائع
  • involving    التضمين
  • pakistan    الباكستان; البَاكِ ...
  • pakistan railways    سكك حديد باكستان
  • railways    سكك الحديد; سكك حد ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. accidents and incidents involving balloons and airships معنى
  2. accidents and incidents involving british rail معنى
  3. accidents and incidents involving deutsche bahn معنى
  4. accidents and incidents involving helicopters معنى
  5. accidents and incidents involving military aircraft معنى
  6. accidents and incidents involving royal norwegian air force aircraft معنى
  7. accidents and incidents involving sports teams معنى
  8. accidents and incidents involving the airbus a300 معنى
  9. accidents and incidents involving the airbus a320 معنى
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